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Pole Fitness is a great way to get strong and fit while having lots of fun!

Phoenix is a small pole school based in Armadale, we like to focus on making people feel secure and comfortable and are accessible for all ages and gender! We've been running since 2013! If you're wondering how you didnt know we were here, that might be because we dont really advertise! Since 2013 we've run pretty much soley by word of mouth, as you can tell by this page, we're pretty down to earth, and that's not always what everyone's after, but if that's you, hopefully you'll feel like you've found your people. We have once or twice been referred to as "pole dancing for dorks", and I am not mad at all. 





Whats good to know about us?


If you wanted to try pole but don't want to do the sexy stuff (rolling around on the floor etc). The reason we call it 'Pole Fitness' instead of 'Pole Dancing' is because you dont have to do chorography, and you don't have to wear heels and pretty clothes and look a certain way. Though we certainly appreciate and adore people that do, too! And sometimes there are workshops for those types of things too! Just full disclosure; there are better schools for that kind of stuff. So if you're specifically after floorwork and wiggles, Phoenix may not be your cup of tea. (We're happy for you to come give us a try and see what you think!)

Because of this, we welcome all ages and all genders into every class! (As long as you're old enough to follow instructions, you can join in!) There is also no upper age limit :) And its never too late to start!

We have levels from Beginner to Upper Int, and from there we have a thousand recommendations for places that can help you take over the world! Just don't forget us when you're famous! :)

We run out of a Heritage building, so it is not shiny, it doesnt look like a million dollars, it looks like an old building :) We like it! Its quaint and un intimidating, but we understand that some people need shiny so just letting you know!

We're very small, theres a maximum of 6 people per class!


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Worried you'll feel a little intimidated or insecure? After all the pole people on the Instant-Grams and the Tik Toks are superamazingomgwtfbbq


What to wear to class:

If you're worried about the fancy things you see the pole people wearing, don't even trip dawg. It is always a little easier/more fun if you have some leg skin out because it helps you grip the pole and gives your armies a fighting chance! But we CAN work around it if you want to wear long pants, or at least until you're comfortable.

My personal favourite is to either wear grippy pants or wear shorts under some tracky pants!

Phoenix is not about the fashion part of pole, so wear what makes you comfortable. The room is very dark, and everyone just wants you to feel good about yourself too :) Don't worry, we got you.


But I'm so weaaakk:

Once again dawg, don't trip :P No one starts strong. It takes people months to be able to hold their own body weight and no one would expect you to on your first day. The important thing is that you're having fun, you're being safe, and you're making progress! If you started amazing what would be the point of learning! 

On this, try not to compare yourself to others, people have all different bodies and backgrounds and the only person you can compare to is yourself. If you are not picking up something as fast as someone else did, it's not cause you suck, its cause they're not you and not living your life, and you're still doing the thing and that makes you mighty! 


Beginner Levels:

Social Media for some reason reaaallllllyyy loves to say things are beginners when they're not. As a beginner you will not be expected to go upside down, or hold yourself up, or do literally anything that makes you uncomfortable. You don't even need to take your feet off the ground! And you'll still get a great workout, until you're eventually strong enough to!



If you have something we need to work around, or that you're worried about, there's plenty we can do just chat with me about it :) I've also been a Personal Trainer since 2011 and a lot of that has been helping people strengthen again after injury, and even more especially which it comes to strengthening for pole!

If you're worried about injuring yourself, I will be honest, pole dancing sometimes hurts, but it shouldn't injure you! Unless you are moving ahead too quickly, or are exacerbating previous unknown injuries, you will build the strength and learn how to engage the correct muscles to do these cool things both safely and efficiently!



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Ok how do I join

 Contact Ammy

Facebook, Instagram, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or Text me! (You can call but its so often spam I barely answer anymore!) Just let me know you're keen and we can work out together a good time for you to come and try it :) First time's gonna be free so you can see if we click!





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How much! and when!

To make sure the prices and class time stay up to date, just send me a message and I'll let you know! Prices havent changed much in our 11ish years but still, you'll get the uppest to datest and most relevent info by messaging. I am NOT good at sales and will never pressure you into anything :)

We run in 6 week terms, but they just keep repeating so you can start anytime, its just to keep a track of admin more than anything else. Our small size lets us look after you personally even though its a class situation, so we can work with everyones strengths and weaknessess at the same levels :)


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Cool and interesting real true facts!

Did you know there is no officially recognised qualification for a pole dance instructor? Whaaaatt! Literally nothing is required! Not even CPR! The places that do offer certified or qualified instructors sometimes are just referring to the fact that their particular school ran their own course and distributed their own certificates, which although I am 100% positive would be an incredible wealth of knowledge and skill building, isn't actually a recognised qualification, which is crazy cause there should be one don't ya think!
We've got a certificate III IV and diploma in fitness, CPR etc, plus extensive courses training in injury prevention and management specialising in common injuries for pole, remedial and dry needling qualifications and all of the official knowledge humanly possible on top of the 13 years experience of this pole school as well as the fact that we don't bat above our pay grade, so you are super safe with us :) no tricks! (Well, except pole tricks!) We just want to be really transparent with you about it :)
We also recently retired from running CEC accreditation courses for Fitness Australia. They're the ones that Fitness Professionals have to do to stay accredited! So we offer our instructors training based on this experience, delivered by the us who have the qualifications and experience in delivering CEC accredited training modules! So there might not be an official koalafication, but we feel like this has got to be pretty darn close! 
Perth is AMAZING
I don't know what's in the water in Perth, but somehow we ended up with some of the most incredibly amazing pole dancers and schools and we have amazing learning opportunities right at our fingertips! I highly recommend you learn with as many different people as you can! Just like things like martial arts, different people have different styles that work for them, different concepts and ways of visualising or understanding that just works or makes sense, and sometimes plateaus happen and changing it up could be all you need to keep moving forward. The point of pole is that you are having fun, and no matter where or how you're learning, as long as you're enjoying it (and being safe obvi!) you're doing it right! Try everything with the goal to make yourself the happiest!



I hope this answers some questions and makes you feel a little more comfortable to come in and meet us and give it a go! Hope to see you soon!!!!