INTRODUCTION: This questionnaire is a requirement by Fitness Australia for all persons engaging in Physical Activity in a Fitness Australia certified training facility. This Questionnaire is also a log in tool, designed to give you access to areas of our website reserved for our clients. This lets us keep track of your measurements, goals and performance as we administer tests and record the results. You will be able to log in to view your information and add to it yourself as we go!
----Disclaimer---- This screening tool is part of the Adult Pre-Exercise Screening System (APSS) that also includes guidelines (see User Guide) on how to use the information collected and to address the aims of each stage. No warranty of safety should result from its use. The screening system in no way guarantees against injury or death. No responsibility or liability whatsoever can be accepted by Phoenix Personal Training Studio, and Phoenix Personal Training Studio's Staff, Exercise & Sport Science Australia, Fitness Australia, Sports Medicine Australia or Exercise is Medicine for any loss, damage, or injury that may arise from any person acting on any statement or information contained in this system.
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Aim: To identify individuals with known disease, and/or signs or symptoms of disease, who may be at a higher risk of an adverse event due to exercise. An adverse event refers to an unexpected event that occurs as a consequence of an exercise session, resulting in ill health, physical harm or death to an individual. This stage may be self-administered and self-evaluated by the client. Please complete the questions below and refer to the figures on page 2. Should you have any questions about the screening form please contact your exercise professional for clarification
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IF YOU ANSWERED ‘YES’ to any of the 6 questions, please seek guidance from an appropriate allied health professional or medical practitioner prior to undertaking exercise.
IF YOU ANSWERED ‘NO’ to all of the 6 questions, please proceed to question 7 and calculate your typical weighted physical activity/ exercise per week.
7. Describe your current physical activity/exercise levels in a typical week by stating the frequency and duration at the different intensities. For intensity guidelines consult figure 2.
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Please claculate your TOTAL minutes per week Total minutes = (minutes of light + moderate) + (2 x minutes of vigorous/high) TOTAL = _________ minutes per week
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• If your total is less than 150 minutes per week then light to moderate intensity exercise is recommended. Increase your volume and intensity slowly. • If your total is more than or equal to 150 minutes per week then continue with your current physical activity/exercise intensity levels. • It is advised that you discuss any progression (volume, intensity, duration, modality) with an exercise professional to optimise your results
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