Terms and Conditions of SwordPoint

Codes of Conduct and Safety Code of Safety Ensure that you have signed in for your class and let the Instructor know of any injuries or issues that may impact your training You are responsible for your own safety as well as that of your training partners and spectators. You are responsible for the safety of your training environment and are required to fix or report any hazard or potential hazard that you spot. You are responsible for the safety of your equipment and to inspect any equipment before putting it to use. If unsure do not use the item and report it to the Quartermaster. Inspecting Weapons Inspect weapons for burred edges, cracks or other damage Check suitable flexibility, properly dulled, no sharp protrusions Inspecting Protective Gear Inspect for cracks, sharp edges, worn straps & buckles Check gear is fit for purpose Hold When someone calls Hold everyone immediately stops and weapons are grounded / made safe. All conversations stop and you report the issue to the Instructor Hold can be called by anyone who spots a hazard. The call must be heeded Eye and hand protection is to be worn for all light sparring and random drills. Appropriate protective gear is to be worn for all contact sparring - refer to SPA - Arms and Armour Safety Policy Sparring and Drilling is carried out at the skill level of junior / slower combatant and to the level of intensity dictated by the protective equipment worn. Steel weapons / full weight wooden weapons can only be used when you have been successfully passed the Weapons Control module or as directed by an Instructor. Visitors can be given temporary clearance by an Instructor Always maintain Control of your weapon and your temperament. If feeling frustrated or angry stop what you are doing, take a break and get some air. If frustrations persist speak with your Instructor This is a drug and alcohol free environment. Training under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol will result in immediate termination of membership and you will be requested to leave the venue. Smoking is not allowed in the Training Area.
Code of Health Do not undertake any exercises or activity that will aggravate an existing injury or medical condition. Substitute a different exercise or rest and rejoin class when ready. Do not train if you are sick. You will be asked to leave the class if you are sick in order to maintain a safe and healthy training area. Persons with a cut or bleeding injury must cease training immediately and receive appropriate first aid. Rejoining the training session will not be allowed until the instructor has deemed that is safe to do so. Persons administering first aid to a person suffering a cut or bleeding injury must wear protective gloves. If requested by the Instructor, persons with the above or like conditions must show this Code of Conduct to their physician and secure a medical certificate clearly stating that the person is able to participate in classes and whether there are any restrictions or conditions applicable A Health Declaration is required to be completed by all new participants, or previous participants who have not trained for more than 12 months. It is the responsibility of each applicant to provide any relevant medical history or restrictions they have in respect to physical activity. You are required to inform the club of any changes in your medical condition. All applicants and prospective applicants are encouraged to obtain medical confirmation that the exercises and activities to be undertaken will not cause any physical harm. In particular, men aged 41 years or over, women aged 51 years or over, and women who are pregnant must provide a medical clearance form (completed by a General Practitioner) prior to their health screening. Instructors will have access at all times to a fully equipped first aid kit. Instructors are to show concern and caution towards sick and injured participants Provide a modified training program where appropriate. Allow further participation in training and competition only when appropriate. Seek medical advice when required.
Code of Conduct 1. Always be respectful to your instructors, your teammates, equipment and the venue, both inside and outside of training. This Club does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind. Failure to follow this will result in disciplinary action that may include being asked to leave the venue and termination of membership. 2. During class, when the instructor is demonstrating techniques or talking , all students must sit or stand without talking or interfering. 3. Physical contact between persons who are training must be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the skill development of those persons. 4. Mobile phones are to be switched to silent. If required for Work or Emergencies move outside of the training area so you do not disrupt the class. 5. Participants training are required to carry and use a towel to wipe any perspiration from the equipment during and after use. If Personal Protective Equipment is borrowed from the club, it is the responsibility of the participant to wipe it down after use (with disinfectant as supplied). Personal hygiene requirements include the wearing of deodorant. 6. This Club does not have any formal uniform. All attire must be clean and must not display any images, logos or slogans that people may find offensive. Shoes must be worn and not have a black sole when in training halls. 7. No participant will solicit business for personal financial gain from any other participant for any purpose. This includes, but is not limited to, personal training, conditioning training, self-defence instruction or weapons instruction.
Code of Instruction 1. Instructors will ensure that the training area is clear of any dangerous and/or sharp objects that may provide a risk of injury. 2. Any person who, in training, exhibits behavior that, in the judgement of the Instructor, is a danger to other participants, shall not be allowed to continue training until the Instructor determines the danger is no longer present. 3. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being. Within the context of the activity, treat everyone equally regardless of sex, ethnic origin or religion. 4. Ensure the athlete’s time spent with you is a positive experience All athletes are deserving of equal attention and opportunities. 5. Be fair, considerate and honest with students 5. Be professional in and accept responsibility for your actions ○ Language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation should display high standards. ○ Display control, respect, dignity and professionalism to all involved with the sport/martial art — this includes opponents, coaches, officials, administrators, the media, parents and spectators. 6. Make a commitment to providing a quality service to your students ○ Maintain or improve your current Coaching/Instructing accreditation. ○ Seek continual improvement through performance appraisal and ongoing coach education. ○ Provide a training program that is planned and sequential. ○ Maintain appropriate records. 7. Any physical contact with athletes should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the student’s skill development. 8. Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards your students this includes verbal, physical and emotional abuse. Be alert to any forms of abuse directed towards your students from other sources whilst they are in your care.
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